Book Events Dance-Performace Museums Workshops

The First Bloom of Spring makes my Heart Sing

Author event at the
Black Archives Museum

Brixton 2018

Amidst the vibrant culture of Brixton, the Black Archives Museum held an event to celebrate diversity and inclusion through literature and art. At the heart of this gathering was Book Love Carnival, a platform that brings together writers, illustrators, and artists who use their creative work to explore important social and ethical issues.

Through the efforts of Book Love Carnival, diverse books are made accessible to audiences, enriching and expanding our understanding of the world. Among the artists featured at this event was the talented Desiree Bashi, a writer, illustrator, and dancer who captivated the audience with her classical Odissi dance piece, “Vasant Pallavi”. Using hand gestures known as mudras, she wove a tale of spring, inviting the audience to join in the dance and storytelling.

Desiree Bashi also shared her book, “Dancing With Your Eyes”, a beautiful exploration of classical Indian dance that delves into the expressive power of eye movement and emotion. Alongside her, author Kandace Chimbiri presented “The Story of the Windrush”, a poignant tribute to the legacy of the Caribbean immigrants who arrived in London in 1948. Meanwhile, writer and poet Lucy Zion Thatcher shared her collection of raw, honest thoughts and emotions in “Small Thoughts and Poetry”, a work that encourages emotional reflection and restoration.

Through this celebration of diverse voices and perspectives, the Black Archives Museum and Book Love Carnival remind us of the power of art and literature to connect us to each other and the world around us.

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